B. Hettige, A. Karunananda, G. Rzevski
A framework is an essential tool for agent-based programming that saves a programmer’s time and provides development standards. There are few multi-agent frameworks and models available for agent-based programming. The AGR organizational model is a successful agent development model that builds artificial societies through agents. MaDKit is one of the successful frameworks that use the AGR organizational model. However, the English to Sinhala agent-based machine translation system needs a lightweight framework and the fastest message-passing capabilities. These features are currently not available on the existing frameworks at a sufficient level. Thus, the Java-based multi-agent system development framework has been developed using the AGR organizational model with required modifications. This paper presents a multi-agent system development framework, MaSMT, which is specially designed to handle English to Sinhala agent-based machine translation. The MaSMT has been developed using the AGR organizational model that provides an infrastructure of the agents, communication methods for agents, agent status controlling, and a tool for agent monitoring. Different types of multi-agent system have already developed through the MaSMT framework, including, Octopus, AgriCom and RiceMart. The framework is freely available and can be downloaded from the source forge.
Keywords: MaSMT, multi-agent systems, AGR organizational model
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